Monday, August 23, 2010

Fighting World Hunger and Enriching Your Lexicon

About a year ago, one of my favorite restaurants started to manage and control their servings of rice. What used to be eat-all-you-can-rice came to be eat-all-you-can-rice when you purchase a beverage with your meal. Just goes to show the effects of rice shortage; and to think that this is an agricultural country. What's more sad is that the restaurant practice doesn't seem to change the behavior of people. Despite the situation, some people abuse all-you-can-eat restaurants by just taking more rice than they can chew. 

What's a ploat? Or supremium? You'll surely find out if you take the quiz on Today, I logged on and donated a total of 860 grains of rice. Do your part. Stop wasting rice and donate to the hungry. It's the most inexpensive way to help others.